Sunday, August 15, 2010

10 Hal yg mndatangkn CiNtA AlLaH

Ibnul Qayyim Rahimahullah p'nah mnyebut hal ini d'dlm kitab Madarijus Salikin,thp2 mnuju cinta Allah adlh spt brikut....

1.Mmbca al-Quran dgn mrenung dan mmahami kandungan maknany ssuai dgn maksudny yg bnr.

2.Mndktkn diri kpd Allah dgn mgrjakn ibadah2 sunat stlh mgrjakn ibadah2 wajib.
3.Trus-mnrus mngingati(b'zikir) Allah dlm stiap keadaan,baik dgn hati dan lisan atau dgn amalan dan keadaan dirinya.
4.Cinta kpd Allah mlbihi cinta kpd diri sndiri wlupun dkuasai hwa nafsuny.
5.Mrenungi,mmprhatikn dan mgnal kbsrn nma dan sifat Allah.
6.Mmrhatikn kbaikn,nikmat dan kurnia Allah yg tlah Dia brikn kpd kita,baik nikmat lahir mahupun batin akn mngantrkn kita kpd cinta hakiki kpd-Nya.
7.Mnghadirkn hati scara ksluruhn(total) sms mlakukn ktaatn kpd Allah dgn mrnungkn makna yg trkandung d'dlmny inilh yg d'sbut dlm khusyu'.
8.Mnyendiri dgn Allah di saat Allah turun k'langit dunia d'sprtiga mlm yg trakhir.
9.Brgaul b'sma-sma dgn org yg mncintai Allah dan bsma dgn para siddiqin.
10.Mnjauhi sgala sbb yg dpt mghalang komunikasi antara diriny dgn Allah SWT.
;Madaarijus Salikin 3/16-17, Ibnu Qayyim Al Jauziyah,ter bitan Darul Hadits Al Qohiroh

Saturday, August 14, 2010

HARI PUASA...lalaala

arie nie,,,ayah pagi2 sblom gi kluar ayah da pesan kat mak suruh bwatkn mi bandung utk buka puasa,,,,

aaiii,,,,org puase order mcm2 yek?tpi ayah kate "hey,org puase la order mcm2!"

hehe,,,apepon...arie ni ana balek mktb lmbt skit,,,yg pnting B4 pkol 10 mlm la,,,alhamdulillah,blehla bbuka b'sma family...

sbnarnye mak suruh ana iron bju ayh,tpi ana nk tlis blog lgi sket,,,

klah,cau dlu,,,mak da kluar asap da tu,,,



This essei is specially dedicated to Mr.Hafiz Afandi, the winner of 'THE GREATEST FATHER OF ALL TIME' award for the year 1994-forever....

Just when you need the road is going nowhere,

Just when you almost gave up on your dreams,

They take you by the hand and show you that you can....

There are no boundaries.....

Whenever i heard this song, i remembered my father. which is the one who always gives me spirit to continue with my life. He is the one who feed me. He is the one who cloth me. He is the one who drives me to school(sometimes,but for the secondary year...yeah,he's often). He is the one who took care of me. That is why he is my hero...After a few years he took care of me,now i realize how extraordinary influence he os for me. In my family, he is the eldest. He had experienced all the ups and downs of life better than us and you can undoubtedly say that he is the strongest person in my house.

One of the greatest positive influence that he has on me is about his work ethic.Whenever i felt down about my exam result, he drives me to achieve the success that i want. Actually, i do not like to see his point if view all the time. But now i realize that his opinion is really valuable. Nevertheless, he always give me hope and support because he always have the faith in me. As the indication, i do not have to look any farther but him.

He is a strong believer of 'early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise'. Regardless of the circumstances, he always trust me for who i am and always give me a very boring but valuable lecture. This is why i am determined to go further in life.

Another thing that cause a great impact on me is his caring. He always cares for us and gave us an unforgettable chapter in our life. This was apparent when he always make sure that our needs at home is complete. Whenever we lack of anything, he will complete it asa soon as possible.Whenever we said we are hungry,he will feed us until all our stomach like wanted to explode. He will always make sure that everything is complete. Whatever he does and whoever he is, he will always shower us with his love and care for us.

Every things that he did,had been highlighted by me. Althiugh i have a very raw experience in my life,but when i look at him, seems like it will be a spectacular.He really loves to help people around him. He likes to treat people for lunch,he likes to help people with their work etc. Hpwever his devotion through humanity and the andless love inside him,his personality is truely acceptional. For now, all i can say is I LOVE YOU DAD!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING MY SOURCE OF ONSPIRATION AND THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME FOR16 YEARS!!!!!!!!


aslam taslam


hehe,,,lame da x tlis blog,,,rase rindu plak,,

kali ni balek umah 3 arie je,,,

omwork plak x c yap agi,,,bru bwat sket,,,


makin lame makin byk masalah yg timbul,,, tapi x pelah,,,insyaallah ana dpt slsaikn mslh ni dgn smpurna,,,

mlalui firman allah SWT dlm surah al-baqarah ayat 153;

yaa aiyuhallazi na amanustai'nu bissobri wa solati innallaha maalssobirin

mksudny,wahai org2 yg b'iman,minta tlglah kpd allah dgn sabar dan solat,ssungguhny allah antiase bersma dgn org2 yg sabar,,,

klah,,,cau dulu,,,anti bile ade mase free ana story agie eh!


Friday, August 13, 2010


hai maapla yek,,,da lame bennoh x write blog ni,,,rase rindu plak,,,
ha,,,skunk ni tgh dlm bulan ramadhan,,,
mcm byaselh sluruh umat islam i dunia mnunaikn rkun islam mreka,,,
b'puase spnjg bulan ramadhan,,,x dela smue org puasa,,,,
juz kbanyakkn je,,,hehe
bru2 rase mcm makin byk plak mslh yg timbul,,,contohnye,,,


2.p'juangn mlawan hwa nafsu




hrp ana dpt jlnkn Ramadhan pd tahun ini dgn smpurna,,,,